My House Feels Like A Sauna When I Get Home From Work - Help!
Whether it feels like an oven in the summer or an ice box in the winter, no one wants to come home to extreme weather inside the house! A programmable thermostat is the answer. Not only does a programmable thermostat prevent temperatures to spike or plummet while you're at work, but they can also help you save money on utilities. During the day, you can set the A/C so it kicks in only if the temperature gets too hot, rather than running on a cycle all day. Even better? Set the thermostat to heat up the house on a brisk fall day about 30 minutes before you come home and you'll receive a warm welcome. We can help you with installation. Give us a call today!
During hot weather, it is not unusual for your thermostat to register above the set point. A good rule of thumb is that your unit is operating efficiently and at full capacity if it catches up when temperatures outside cool down (e.g. night time, mornings).
What Are Some Of The Safety Concerns With Old Systems?
While most people replace old HVAC systems to save money on utilities, there are other safety reasons to get a new unit. Carbon Monoxide is a very serious issue with old systems. Old furnaces can crack and carbon monoxide can leak out. This leak will make its way into your home. The older the system the more likely this is to happen. This is a silent threat that only a carbon monoxide detector can detect.
Additionally, there are electrical issues that can be a cause for concern with old systems. When they get old, fuses can short or the connection points can weaken. If you're lucky, this will simply cause the A/C or heat to stop suddenly. The worse case scenario? Fire. Maintenance is important to look for issues and address them as they appear.
My HVAC Is Relatively New (8 Years) - Why Would Someone Recommend A Replacement?
If your HVAC system has seen the better part of a decade, it may be time to consider replacing the unit. Most systems are about 12 years old when replaced. It really depends on the usage and maintenance of the unit. Annual tune-ups can extend the life of your system. Technologies have advanced and there are many energy-efficient systems on the market now. Consider purchasing a unit with the ENERGY STAR label, as these highly efficient systems can save ~20% on your utlilities. We recommend the following units: